We’re in the midst of fall, which means that winter is just around the corner. As a result, unique challenges will be presented, regarding gardening in chilly temperatures. Fall provides you with the perfect opportunity to clear your gutters, tidy your borders, get rid of dead vegetation, and more. It’s not likely that you’re going to want to spend much of the winter in the backyard, so you need to take fall as an opportunity to pick up and pack down before winter emerges. Detailed below are some of the top tips and tricks when it comes to preparing your backyard for winter.
Give Your Lawn Some TLC
First up, whether it’s natural turf or artificial grass, your lawn needs some TLC before the bitter winter temperatures present themselves. Grab a rake and remove all the moss and thatch that sits atop your lawn ready for your compost pile. If you find that your lawn is home to an excessive amount of moss, you might need to get some moss killer on it. Once your lawn is clear, you should brush in a sandy top dressing before applying a suitable lawn feed that will keep your grass thriving even in the winter months.
Additionally, you can enhance the aeration and drainage of your surfaces by making holes with a garden fork. Meanwhile, you might even lay new turf completely so that it’s in good stead for the summer months.
Make a Leaf Mould
Although leaves can make your backyard look unsightly when they’re scattered about the place, a leaf mould can be very beneficial to your garden. This is because leaves add organic matter and structure to your soil. In order to create a leaf mould, you should select a spot in the shelter that won’t be detrimental to your backyard’s appearance. Then, you can take some wooden stakes and wire mesh to create a big bin that can be filled with leaves.
Upon filling the bin with leaves, you should sprinkle it with water and leave them until they attain a crumbly consistency. Once this texture has been achieved, this mulch can be spread throughout your backyard for the benefit of your soil.
Tidy Borders
In order to enhance the appearance of your backyard, you need to pay special attention to your borders. Whether you do this by digging up your plant beds or trimming down your plants, you mustn’t neglect the borders of your backyard. As well as maintaining what’s already there, you should also distribute some compost across the surface, as this will facilitate the growth even in the colder months.
Do a “Fall Clean”
We’ve all heard of a spring clean, but a fall clean is just as important when it comes to preparing for winter. A fall clean involves you moving everything from your greenhouse, sweeping all debris away, and disinfecting everything. Not only will disinfection allow you to maintain the cleanliness of your greenhouse, but it will also inhibit pests and fungal infections from presenting themselves. After this thorough cleaning, your greenhouse will need to be ventilated so that it can dry thoroughly and not fall victim to damp or mould. Similarly, you might also take this as an opportunity to clean seed trays and pots ready for future sowing.
Scrub Shade Paint from Your Greenhouse
In the summer, you want to limit the amount of sunlight making its way through your greenhouse. In the winter, you want to optimise this as much as possible. Consequently, you should scrub away any shade paint from your greenhouse to allow for ample sunlight.

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