Hijama, I mean cupping is the simple yet common therapy that helps us in various ways. If you have no idea what cupping therapy is, this article will help you learn how you can get help from Hijama. Cupping came from ancient Chinese which is considered as a treatment that stimulates life force energy.
Teacups are only for tea, but different cups have been used for cupping. Those cups are made up of plastics or bamboo. When professionals start therapy, they apply oil on the body for cup gliding.
One of the best Hijama in Islamabad shared the way of therapy that a cloth, which is soaked in alcohol, is set on fire and inserted into a cup. The next step is to remove the air out of the cup and create a vacuum.
Professionals place the cups on the area of the patients where the treatment is needed. Created vacuum cups suck the skin into and pull the blood deep down to the body surface. Such treatment leads to healing.
Let’s explore some of the best cupping benefits.
Deals with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
When we say digital world, it means that we all count on the digital devices that even take our quality sleep from us. Before we sleep, we all use mobile phones, and there is plenty of stuff going on in our minds. Lack of rest often leads to chronic fatigue syndrome that can interfere with your daily activities. Many people undergo cupping Hijama to treat chronic fatigue syndrome.
Cupping Keeps Your Skin Healthy
You can easily learn what is happening inside your body. How?
Well, your skin speaks a lot about your physical health. One of the main functions of cupping is the boosting of blood flow. People whose skin is prone to acne should get cupping therapy because it helps to provide essential oxygen and blood to their skin. This therapy is also applicable for those who are suffering from cellulite, eczema, etc.
Faster Healing
Studies reveal that cupping improves blood flow and leads to faster healing. Energy flow due to cupping therapy helps you to deal with many potential health diseases. When you feel energized, this therapy will help you heal faster.
Cupping Treats Lung Disease
The buildup of fluid and phlegm in your lungs is known as congestion, which is caused by different factors, such as cold, bronchitis, etc. During the cupping therapy, the cups suck into your skin that results in a breakup of congestion in your lungs.
Hijama – A Pain Relief Therapy
People who have chronic conditions that cause pain in the lower back or arthritis can go under Hijama. If you are a patient of migraine, headache, muscle pain, and other dental pain should get help from cupping therapy. Cupping is a pain relief therapy that can help you get rid of joint pain as cupping boosts blood circulation and mobility. It is also effective for shoulders, lumbago, stiff neck, etc.
A Way of Healing Urinary Disease
Cupping therapy is not only a pain-relieving way but also a way to treat diseases related to the urinary system. If you have a urinary disease, choose to cup as it helps to dissolve kidney stones, abscess, urine retention, etc.
Help In Relieving Digestive Problems
Cupping helps to relieve digestive problems. Many different factors contribute to causing digestive problems, such as chronic stress, immune system, or poor nutrition. You need to cope up with such issues before it interferes with your quality of life.
Side Effects of the Cupping
When you plan on cupping therapy, make sure that you choose a trained professional who knows everything. There are different side effects that you may encounter after cupping therapy, including:
Skin infection
Final Thoughts
Thought of cupping is not enough because you need to consider different facts, such as what disease you are suffering from and what your doctor suggests you go with. Experts from Islamabad Medical Center prefer modern cupping because it uses a rubber pump that does not include fire.

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