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Wall Art – Beautiful Ways to Decorate Your Home

Your walls are one of the largest canvas spaces in your home, so it’s important to thoughtfully decorate them. Wall art can help make a big aesthetic impact and transform bare walls into visually interesting displays. It’s also a creative way to reflect your personal style and interests. In this article, we’ll explore different types of wall art and provide tips for finding pieces that suit your decorating needs and preferences.

Choosing Wall Art That Fits Your Style

The first step is determining what style of wall art you want based on your home’s overall aesthetic. Here are some popular options to consider:

  • Paintings – Original paintings, prints, and photography are classic choices that can make a sophisticated statement. Consider themes like landscapes, abstract art, portraits, or modern art.
  • Wall Decor – Items like wall hangings, mirrors, wall clocks, and wall shelves allow you to get functional and decorative use out of one item. Look for unique textures, materials, and designs.
  • Wall Art with Words – Quotes, sayings, and inspirational phrases printed or framed make a personal impact. Choose mantras that resonate with your lifestyle.
  • Wall Decor with Meaning – Decor incorporating your interests like travel maps, educational prints, or family photos tell your story. Consider symbols significant to your heritage or beliefs.
  • DIY Wall Art – Get creative by making your own art from scrapbooking supplies, stencils, or mixed media techniques. It’s a budget-friendly option to really put your personality on the walls.

Evaluating the overall look and feel of your space first will steer you toward wall art compatible with your aesthetic preferences whether modern, bohemian, rustic or another style.

Choosing Art Based on Room Function

Consider how the space will be used when selecting appropriate wall art. Pieces should complement without being a distraction. Here are suggestions based on common room types:

  • Living Room – Larger scale art makes a big statement. Works well hung above furniture to define focal points.
  • Kitchen – Light, bright pieces uplift the mood without competing with task lighting. Consider decorative accents instead of large format artwork.
  • Bedroom – Soothing imagery promotes relaxation. Hang calming art at eye level near the bed or over a seating area.
  • Bathroom – Opt for durable frames that can withstand humidity. Framed prints or small decor items work best in smaller bath spaces.
  • Home Office – Inspiring wall art can energize creativity. Hang pieces to break up walls of shelving or desk areas.

Match the scale, subject matter, and placement of wall art to how the space will be utilized for a cohesive, functional finished look.

Coordinating Art With Your Color Scheme

Tie your wall art selection into the existing color palette to achieve harmony. Here are tips for successful pairing:

  • Neutral walls allow artwork in bold, saturated hues to really pop. Earth tones, jewel tones and pastels all work well.
  • Monochrome walls provide a cohesive backdrop for coordinating wall art in similar shades of one color.
  • For multi-colored walls, choose artwork containing those same hue families to visually tie the space together.
  • Consider framing to enhance or downplay certain aspects. Dark frames make art stand out against light walls while light frames recede into darker spaces.

Paying attention to color relationships between your art and surrounding decor ensures it all fits together seamlessly for a pulled together aesthetic.

Adding Depth and Dimension With Layered Wall Art

Rather than just one large centerpiece, layer several scaled-down wall art pieces to create visual interest. Arrange them in intentional groupings for maximum impact:

  • Cluster symmetric or asymmetric artwork in a wall section for balanced appeal.
  • Use a large focal artwork and hang progressively smaller pieces above and below it in a staggered manner.
  • Display similar subject matter side by side or alternate between different styles cohesively.
  • Framed photographs can also be assembled in grid-like arrangements to tell a story.
  • Consider floating shelves to display decorative objects, books or smaller artworks in curated collections.

Layered compositions make the most of available wall space while adding visual depth and dimension through strategic arrangement of varied pieces.

Making Art Accessible With Clever Wall Accents

Find innovative but affordable ways to accessorize blank walls that don’t require pricey artwork investments:

  • Wall Decor Sets – Collections of small wall hangings, plaques or sconces coordinated by style. Easy to install and rearrange.
  • Modular Pegboard – Customizable display panels for mounting tools, planters or other functional decor.
  • Decorative Wall Tiles – affordable individual tiles make a cohesive pattern statement when arranged together.
  • Wall Clocks -Serve a purpose beyond just telling time with artistic styles like world clocks.
  • Wall Planters – Sleek wall-mounted planters in macrame or wood add living greenery.

Accessories breathe life into empty spaces and allow exploring different looks without major commitment. Building a collection over time elevates the whole wall aesthetic.

Tips For Hanging Art At The Right Height And Spacing

Intentional installation is key for artwork to appear balanced:

  • For eye level viewing, hang centered around 57-60 inches from the floor to the center of most artwork.
  • Groupings look best spaced 12-24 inches apart edge to edge for breathing room.
  • Larger galleries walls may utilize grid spacing each 30-36 inches for a cohesive rhythm.
  • Factor furniture placement to avoid artwork obstructed at sitting eye level.
  • Use a leveling tool when hanging to ensure straightness wall to wall.

Proper height and spacing according to wall dimensions shows off your wall art collection beautifully without visual clutter.

**Creating A Cohesive Artwork Collection **

With time and curation, individual wall art pieces can become a thoughtfully developed collection that enhances your home’s design scheme:

  • Start by selecting 2-3 initial anchor pieces you love to build from.
  • Consider size, medium, subject matter, color and style to add diversity through new acquisitions.
  • Draw inspiration from themes like travel spots visited, artists you admire or things meaningful to you.
  • Display a combination of purchased and DIY original artworks to support local makers.
  • Rotate out pieces periodically to keep your walls fresh without major redecorating.

Developing a focused collection elevates your space through carefully chosen art that tells your personal story over time.


wall art offers a creative outlet for showcasing your style through visual self-expression. From selecting complementary pieces to thoughtfully installing and layering them, these decorating tips will help you curate gallery walls tailored to your unique aesthetic and lifestyle. Well-designed collections transform once empty walls into engaging backdrops that enhance living environments for years to come.

Tags: Wall Art

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